91+ 9822085511 panseuday@gmail.com



  • Retains car inner air sanitized and pleasant. Moisture trapped on AC cooling coils allows mold, mildew, bacteria and other undesirable micro-organisms to grow. Spores from these micro-organisms are then regularly blown into the passenger cabin where they can be inhaled by passengers. There may even be a musty odour that becomes apparent when the AC fan is put on.
  • Motorman AC Sanitizer kills fungus, bacteria; which are responsible for stale odour and avoids proliferation of micro-organisms and mildew.
  • Removes stale odours from your car’s AC system.
  • Ensures pleasant, fresh and clean air circulation.
  • Better hygienic and efficient air cooling system.
  • Shake can well before use.
  • Insert the capillary into the air vents, in the interior of your vehicles and spray liberally; then allow it to work for about 30 minutes.
  • Contents work to eliminate bad odour and wet smell emanating from decompositioning of mould and mildew.
  • 300gm : suitable for individual customers as well as garages and industry.